Wednesday 30 January 2013

MEDICINAL PLANT- ARAYAL/ Bodhi Tree, Peepal Tree, Sacred Tree

Common Name : Bodhi Tree, Peepal Tree, Sacred Tree
Scientific name :Ficus religosa

Part Used : Bark, Leaves, Tender Shoots, Latex, Seeds, Fruits.
 Commercial importance: The bark is cooling and astringent and is useful in inflammations and glandular swellings of neck. Root bark is good for stomatitis, clean ulcers and it is astringent in leucorrhoea and promotes granulations. According to Unani system of medicine, root, bark is aphrodisiac and also good for lumbago. Roots are said to be good for gout. The roots are chewed to prevent gum disease. The fruit is laxative, promotes digestion, aphrodisiac and checks vomiting. Ripe fruits are alexipharmic (an antidote or defensive remedy against poison, venom or infection), are good for foul taste, thirst and heart disease. The powdered fruit is taken for asthma. The seeds are cooling, laxative and refrigerant. Seeds are useful in urinary troubles. The leaves alone are used to treat constipation. The leaves and young shoots together are purgative (strong laxative). An infusion or decoction of the bark is used with some honey for the treatment of gonorrhoea, ulcers, skin diseases and scabies. Its power bark has been used to heal the wounds for years. 

 How to cultivate

Peepal tree is easily propagated through the seeds or through the cuttings. propagating the sacred fig (ficus religiosa) with seeds isn’t difficult. you can use a good regular potting mix. give the seeds just on the soil. to increase humidity put a glas or a freezing bag over the pot. don’t forget to air daily. place the pot on a bright location without direct sun. temperature should be +20 °c/68 °c. keep the soil moist but not wet. the sacred fig needs approx. 7 to 21 days to germinate (at 25 °c/77 °f). if the seedlings are approx. 5 cm/1.97 tall you can start slowly adapting them to your room climate with extending the airing time day by day. when they are 10 cm/3.94 inches tall they can be divided an re-potted. It can grow in any type of soil. Young peepal needs proper nourishment. It requires full sunlight and proper watering. Commonly cultivated areas Peepal tree is grown throughout India. It is mainly grown in State of Haryana, Bihar, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh. It is also found in the Ranthambore National Park in India.

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